
CSAEO organizes courses and seminars in order to promote the knowledge and appreciation of East Asian culture and languages.
For the seminars, see News and Events.

Chen Hongshou (1598-1652): A Pall Pine and a Taoist Immortale

Korean language courses
Beginner/intermediate courses of Korean language, with our teacher Kim Hyunsook.
If you are interested, contact us.
Calligraphy and seal-carving school
Organized by Paola Billi and Nicola Piccioli


Nuove opere in mostra a Palazzo Poggi

Dal 13 novembre 2024 al 19 febbraio 2024

Prospettive d'Oriente. La donazione Norman Jones al Museo Civico Medievale di Bologna

Mostra al Museo Civico Medievale di Bologna

Visite guidate

Alla Sala Orientale di Palazzo Poggi

Conferenze in occasione della mostra "Prospettive d'Oriente"

Al Museo Civico Medievale. Ingresso libero.


Korean language courses
Beginner/intermediate courses of Korean language, with our teacher Kim Hyunsook.
If you are interested, contact us.
Calligraphy and seal-carving school
Organized by Paola Billi and Nicola Piccioli

Contact us for information and accessions.


Centro Studi d'Arte Estremo-Orientale - Via S. Maria Maggiore, 1 - 40121 BOLOGNA - ITALY - Telefono (+39) 051/6217504 - C.F. 92017370377 -